Poema Panorama

Interactive art

1 May 2016


  • Interactive Design

I love exchanging ideas with artists from different disciplines. This time I had the opportunity to collaborate with Pablo Martínez Zárate, a professional film maker and friend.

This project is a visual-poetic exploration that seeks to cross poetical experience with a graphic interface. It reflects on landscape tradition in Mexican painting and it brings it to actuality through an immersive-poetry proposal. From the technical point of view, the project is based on the Myo device, which serves as a controller for navigating a landscape that contains poems at various key points. With the cursor the audience can invoke the poems by hovering over the markers. The music was composed by Pablo using elements from the Mexican soundscape.

Festival Flyer

Santiago Rentería

Computer scientist and audio engineer working at the intersection of machine listening and acoustic ecology.
Interests: sound art, media archaeology and process philosophy.