Experimental Music
Selected works
- Electronic Music
Here I showcase my work on sound arts, contemporary and algorithmic music. All works are original (if not noted otherwise) and were recorded during the period 2014 - 2017.
Pesadilla - Spectralism Composition
Karplus Drops - Algorithmic Composition
Computer generated improvisation based on water drop samples and the Karplus-Strong String physical model. Programmed with Max. The algorithm allows controlling speed and probability of events (water drops and string plucks) over time.
Concatenative Synthesis
During a workshop taught by Jeff Treviño at Tecnologico de Monterrey, I explored the expressive possibilities of AudioGuide, a program for concatenative synthesis that analyzes databases of sound segments and arranges them to follow a target sound according to audio descriptors.
Target sound: Polyrhytmic pattern Corpus: Voices
Target sound: Harder Better Faster (Daft Punk) Corpus: Technologic (Daft Punk)
Egyptian Randomness - Algorithmic Composition
In a MOOC taught by Ajay Kapur I learned to program generative music using Chuck. Here are the results of my first project. A Random song using polyrythms based on the egyptian scale: C D Eb F# G Ab B C.
Dream Fragmentation - Audiovisual Experiment
Visuals generated transforming a Mandelbrot set with recursive zoom in Adobe After Effects and Max 7 Vizzie. Sounds synthesized with Arturia’s Modular V.